Source: landing-script.js

 * @file Script to control the landing page's functionality including the zoom 
 * in animation to enter the hut. - Last Modified: 06/11/2023
 * @author Nakul Nandhakumar
 * @author Joshua Tan
 * @author Abijit Jayachandran
 * @author Samuel Au
 * @author Helen Lin

 * A reference to the html element of the page which defines the background-image
 * @type {HTMLElement | null}
hutBackground = document.querySelector('html');

 * A reference to the body element of the page which includes the page contents
 * @type {HTMLElement | null}
pageContents = document.querySelector('body');

 * A reference to the button for entering the hut and triggering the animation
 * @type {HTMLElement | null}
enterButton = document.querySelector('button');

 * A function to get the button for playing the woosh sound
// function playWoosh() {
//     let woosh = document.getElementById("woosh");
//     woosh.volume = 0.3;
// }

 * This function sends the user to the menu page where they can select what type
 * of fortune they would like to receive and is called after a timeout to allow
 * for the animation to trigger.
function toMenuPage() {
    window.location.href = "menu.html";

 * This function is responsible for removing the contents of the page and 
 * triggering the animation of zooming into the hut while also redirecting 
 * to the menu page after zooming in enough.
function enterHut() {
    /* Go to menu page after 0.75 seconds upon clicking the button */
    setTimeout(toMenuPage, 500);
    /* Clear all elements from page */
    pageContents.innerHTML = '';

    /* Call the entering hut animation */ "zoom 2s forwards";

//enterButton.addEventListener('click', enterHut);

/* Add the listener to the landing page button */
enterButton.addEventListener('click', enterHut);

// enterButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
//    setTimeout(playWoosh, 500);
//    setTimeout(enterHut, 1000);
//  });

// /* Add event listener to start music when DOMContentLoaded */
//document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", startBackgroundMusic());

// /**
//   * Reduce background music volume
//   */
// function startBackgroundMusic() {
//    let backgroundMusic = document.getElementById("music");
//    backgroundMusic.volume = 0.1;
// }